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[VIDEO] "I'll Break Your Face" — Man Smacks Woman Driver On The Head In Cameron Highlands

"I could hit you here, and I'll hit you too!" the man shouted at the woman and her 17-year-old brother.

Cover image via Facebook

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A video of a man angrily threatening a female driver and hitting her on the head while they were travelling down from Cameron Highlands has gone viral

The 59-second clip, taken by the victim's brother who was sitting in the front passenger seat, shows the man getting out of his car and knocking on their window before berating them for trying to overtake him.

"Drive your car properly. Don't mess around, don't mess with people's lives, b-bi!" the man shouted at the woman.

"I could hit you here, and I'll hit you too!" he also added while pointing at her brother.

"He didn't do anything wrong," the woman retorted.

"Don't you talk back at me!" he then angrily replied and smacked the woman driver on her forehead.

"Stop playing with people's lives. Do you want me to hit you? Why are you raising your voice at me?" he continued.

"The lines on the road were not dotted. Are you blind?" he also said, while the woman kept silent to not engage with him.

"I will break your face! I will break your face! Do you hear me?" the man threatened before walking off. 

Image via Facebook

The incident is said to have happened at 5.33pm on Monday, 5 June

According to Bernama, Perak police chief Datuk Seri Mohd Yusri Hassan Basri said the 24-year-old woman lodged a police report regarding the incident after returning home to Sungai Buloh, Selangor at 10am yesterday, 6 June.

"Preliminary investigations found that the assault happened when the complainant was on her way down from Cameron Highlands to Tapah with her 17-year-old brother.

"In the incident, the complainant wanted to overtake a Proton Persona car but was unable to do so," he said in a statement yesterday, adding that the suspect uttered threatening words and suddenly hit the complainant on the head.

Image via Facebook

Muhd Yusri said that the police have detained the man on the same day to assist in investigations

"Police managed to locate the man in Serdang, Selangor, and he will be taken to the Tapah district police headquarters here for further investigation," he said.

He added that the 29-year-old suspect works as a factory supervisor in Serdang.

The case is being investigated under Section 323 of the Penal Code for causing hurt, Section 506 of the Penal Code for criminal intimidation, and Section 509 of the Penal Code for intent to insult a woman's modesty.

The video of the incident can be found below:

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