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Malaysian Woman Seeks The Power Of The Internet To Find Her Long Lost Best Friend

She used to attend school in Stirling, Scotland for about three years.

Cover image via @_nxjwafuad (Twitter)

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On 21 February, Twitter user @_nxjwafuad took to social media to reconnect with her childhood best friend from when she was living in Scotland

Najwa posted a close-up of her classroom photo, depicting her younger self sitting next to another girl, named Bobbi Smith, in hopes of initiating contact with her or anyone who knew her almost 20 years later. The two used to attend Bridge of Allan Primary School, Stirling.

She wrote in a follow-up tweet stating that they were classmates from Year 1 to Year 3, and that she remembered her class teachers' and some of her other classmates' names. Najwa said that she had done her own research but to no avail.

Kind Malaysians came together to help Najwa find Bobbi, offering leads and circulating the post. In the process, Najwa found other fellow Malaysians who attended the school around the same time as her.

Supportive Malaysians under Najwa's post gave her screenshots of potential "Bobbi Smiths" in hopes that she might be the one Najwa was looking for, and even shared the tweet to other platforms like Reddit. Najwa's own tweet garnered over 7,200 retweets and 14,000 likes.

Najwa was surprised by another Malaysian sharing a photo of them
in their childhood days, and other Malaysians quickly recognised themselves and their parents in the photo as well.

Najwa shared an update on 24 February saying that she had reached out to someone who may have potentially been the one she's been looking for

The tweet reached Stirling, Scotland, and Najwa was given a lead to a woman whom she thought could be Bobbi. With the assistance of the Bridge of Allan alumni on her search, Najwa waited for the woman to respond to her.

Malaysians all around were excited for more updates and hoped Najwa will eventually find the right Bobbi Smith she'd been looking for.

"Park.. (I) want to know how it ends too.. When you find her, update tau! May you (be able to) find her again," one kind user wrote.

Image via @_nxjwafuad (Twitter)

Image via @_nxjwafuad (Twitter)

On 25 February, Najwa confirmed that she found Bobbi and has been in contact with her

Najwa shared the wonderful news in her thread and thanked everyone who assisted her in her search.

Congratulations on finding your bestie, Najwa! We wish you and Bobbi nothing but the very best. <3

Here are other times the Internet has helped reunite long lost family and friends:

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