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Microsoft Releases Copilot GPTs That Can Help You Create Designs, Plan Your Workout & More

Copilot's new feature allows users to tailor their GPTs to their specific needs.

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Microsoft's Copilot has expanded its capabilities to include custom-made GPTs

The tech giant is now offering users Generative Pre-training Transformers (GPTs) for a variety of tasks including fitness, design, holiday planning, and cooking. 

Copilot's new feature allows users to tailor their GPTs to their specific needs

Microsoft's Corporate Vice President, Jordi Ribas, announced that the company is testing a feature that will allow users to create their own GPTs.

In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Ribas said, "We've rolled out a few Copilot GPTs in Microsoft Copilot. They can help create designs, plan your next vacation, learn to cook a new recipe, or create a custom workout plan."

Ribas explained that the GPTs use contextual instructions in prompts and domain information for grounding data. 

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