
This Father-Daughter Duo Is Doing Their Part To Blow The Haze Back To Indonesia

Thank you for your service.

Cover image via Twitter @ijaicool & Free Malaysia Today

So since Indonesia won't admit that the haze originated from them, Malaysians have decided to take matters into their own hands.

This father-daughter duo did their part by 'blowing the haze back to Indonesia'.

On Monday, 16 September, Twitter user Faizal Rosly, also known as @ijaicool, shared a video of him and his daughter spending quality time by fighting the haze together.

The tweet has since garnered 343,600 views and 24,900 retweets.

In the video, Faizal and his daughter prepared for their mission by putting on protective gear

Faizal chose the classic N95 mask while his daughter opted for a more unconventional Stormtrooper mask.

Then they picked out weapons from the daughter's toy stash

They even referred to a map to make sure their mission was a success

Faizal then whipped out the compass on his iPhone so they'd know precisely which direction they should blow the haze towards.

In the end, Faizal and his daughter shooed the haze away with handheld fans from right outside of their home

Netizens are now thanking Faizal and his daughter for their service

One person wrote, "Thank you, Faizal, for saving millions of Malaysian lives. I'm getting all choked up now."

Another Twitter user said, "Thank god, thank you. My day and my future is now brighter."

"Hahaha. I hope more people would volunteer to blow the haze away," wrote another netizen.

Watch the full video here:

They were probably inspired by this Malaysian Twitter user who wanted the whole nation to blow back the haze on Malaysia Day:

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