
Elderly Accountant Loses RM2 Million To WhatsApp Scam

If it sounds too good to be true, then it most likely is.

Cover image via DigitalTrends & Sora Shimazaki/Pexels

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In an unfortunate turn of events, an elderly accountant fell victim to a WhatsApp scam, losing over RM2 million

The 75-year-old Johor man, according to Malay Mail, reported to have lost more than RM2.27 million after being swindled by an investment syndicate that lured him into buying shares through WhatsApp.

Johor police chief Commissioner M Kumar said that the local man filed a police report on Sunday, 16 June, revealing that he had been entangled in the scam since 19 December of last year.

According to the police report, the victim was promised a good return in a short time

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Image via Sora Shimazaki/Pexels

The police chief said that the man was promised immediate returns and more.

"The WhatsApp messages he received provided information on how to invest, and promised a good return in a short time.

"Attracted by the offer, the victim followed the instructions in the messages, downloaded an application, and registered a bank account to monitor his investment," Kumar said in a statement on Monday, 17 June.

The victim started making investments through multiple transactions from last month until the beginning of this month, with the total amount transferred surpassing RM2.27 million

Kumar added that the syndicate later informed the victim that his investment had yielded a profit of RM12.9 million, but he was required to pay a commission of RM1.6 million before he could access the funds.

"The victim refused to pay the commission as he suspected he had been cheated by a fake investment syndicate," added Kumar.

The case is now being investigated under Section 420 of the Penal Code.

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