Lecturer In China Goes Viral For Offering Courses On Adulting To Students
Where was this course when I was in school?
Lecturer Wins Hearts By Helping New Student Who Travelled Alone To Study In Penang
Balik Pulau Polytechnic lecturer Zaidil Adha found out that the student's father could not afford to travel up with him.
[VIDEO] Lecturer Tengah Berleter Dekat Pelajar, Sekali Ada 'Background Music' Suspen
Terus senyum lecturer tu.
[VIDEO] Pergi Kelas Ingat Dapat Markah 'Carrymarks' Tapi Rupa-Rupanya Sir Bagi Kupon KFC
Boleh beli banyak makanan.
[VIDEO] Ramai Sangat Ponteng Kelas, Lecturer Ambil Keputusan 'Melawat' Ke Rumah Pelajar
Sekali pensyarah datang terus gelabah.
"Cari Nahas" - Akses Projektor Depan Pensyarah, Remaja Ini Berani Buat Hal Dalam Kelas
Amboi, berani sangat awak ni.
UiTM Johor Lecturer Accused Of Sexually Harassing Student Sacked By Institution
The lecturer's termination will be effective immediately.
UiTM Lecturer Who Allegedly Sexually Harassed A Student Demands She Issue A Public Apology
The student has also launched a petition, urging UiTM to take action against the lecturer and fire him.
UiTM Johor Student Makes Police Report Alleging Lecturer Sexually Harassed Her In 2021
The lecturer has since allegedly reached out multiple times to the student to beg her to retract her police reports.
[VIDEO] "Dirasuk" - Suara Pemuda Ketika Lecturer Nak Ambil Kehadiran Ini Undang Tawa Ramai
Aduhai, memang macam kena rasuk guys.
[VIDEO] Lecturer Terlupa Hari Jumaat, Pelajar Siap Bagi 'Hint' Pakai Songkok Ramai-Ramai
Aduhai, dia punya hint tu senyap-senyap je.
Results for #lecturer