Wanita Buat Live Di TikTok Semasa Solat Tarawih Dikecam, Ini Penjelasan & Nasihat Mufti
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Malaysia Mungkin Perlukan Kubur Bertingkat, Ini Bagaimana Ia Berfungsi
Ada yang pernah tengok kubur bertingkat ini?
Mufti Pulau Pinang Gesa BGTV Dikenakan Tindakan Jemput ‘Hot Daddy’ Sebagai Tetamu Podcast
Rata-rata netizen menganggap tindakan menjemput lelaki itu sebagai tetamu podcast umpama menormalisasikan perkara yang salah.
Penang Mufti Says Sorry For His Criticism Against Siti Nurhaliza's Concert Date
Datuk Seri Wan Salim Wan Mohd Noor said that he wasn't questioning the intentions of the concert organisers and was only concerned with the concert date, which would be a couple of days before Ramadan.
"Cita-Cita Saya Nak Jadi Mufti, Bukannya Doktor" - Dr Noor Hisham
Bekas Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan, Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah mendedahkan beliau tidak pernah berniat untuk menjadi seorang doktor.
“Coldplay Sokong Palestin” - PMX Akan Bincang Dengan Mufti Tentang Isu Konsert Coldplay
Difahamkan, konsert Coldplay Music Of The Spheres World Tour In Kuala Lumpur tersebut bakal berlangsung pada hari Rabu ini.
McDonald's Malaysia Tidak Beri Sumbangan Untuk Israel, Mufti Saran Usah Boikot
Akibat konflik Palestin-Israel, syarikat Mcdonald's Malaysia dilabel sebagai pendukung Yahudi.
Former Religious Affairs Minister Auctions Rolex Gifted By Saudi King To Aid Palestinians
The bid stood at RM130,000 as of 9.33am today, 31 October.
Fatwa Issued To Prohibit Muslims In Johor From Attending Rituals Of Other Faiths
The new fatwa issued by the Johor Islamic Religious Council (MAINJ) means Muslims in Johor are now barred from observing Thaipusam processions or taking part in Pongal celebrations in the state.
FT Mufti's Office Forbids Muslims From Wishing 'Rest In Peace' To Non-Muslims
The mufti said that Muslims are forbidden to say the phrase "Rest in Peace" because it is a form of prayer recited by non-Muslims.
Penang Mufti Now Calls For Permanent Closure Of TTDI Comedy Club As A Lesson For Everyone
Datuk Seri Wan Salim Wan Mohd Noor said that due to the seriousness of the offence, which can affect Malaysia's stability, he supports DBKL's action and wants the comedy club to be closed permanently.
Penang Mufti: Comedy Club Guidelines Needed To Ensure Moral & Religious Lines Not Crossed
According to him, the Islamic religious authorities such as the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (JAKIM) should advise Muslims to preserve the purity of the religion and not make a joke out of it.
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