
Chinese Boy Goes Viral Over His Sweet Dance Moves Celebrating Malay Classmate's Birthday

You dropped your crown, king.

Cover image via @eldenchan17 (TikTok)

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Diversity is not an uncommon thing in Chinese schools, and sometimes the friendships that form are indescribably special

Recently, TikTok user @eldenchan17 posted a video that has gone viral, showing a class of students that were cheering on their Chinese classmate dancing and singing the birthday song to another Malay female student.

The video has garnered over 3.8 million views and 394,000 likes.

"He was singing (the) birthday song for his Malay sweetheart," the caption in the video wrote.

Check out the video here:

The schoolboy was impressing his classmate with his sweet dance moves with his friends cheering him on

The classmates were heard singing the Chinese version of the birthday song to their Malay friend, who looked like the only Malay student in class, with her reacting in laughter and shyly covering her face at her classmate's affectionate gesture.

Image from @eldenchan17 (TikTok)

Image via @eldenchan17 (TikTok)

"This is how we should live in this country" — Malaysians fawned over the adorable interaction, and praised the friendship that was built regardless of background

"It's situations like this that we have to preserve. Harmony in every setting. We should be proud to be born in Malaysia," one user commented.

Image from @eldenchan17 (TikTok)

Image via @eldenchan17 (TikTok)

Another user shared the same sentiments, "It's fun to have friends of mixed races like this. We love harmony between all races."

Image via @eldenchan17 (TikTok)

One said, "Reminds me of those PETRONAS advertisements where the Chinese kid has a crush on the Malay kid", possibly in reference to the heart-swelling ad, Tan Hong Ming In Love by Yasmin Ahmad.

Image via @eldenchan17 (TikTok)

One TikTok user suggested that the boy may have got his charm from his parents.

"This boy's dad probably danced in front of his mum every time his mum sulks right?"

Image via @eldenchan17 (TikTok)

Another even asked for future updates from the admin of the video, "If (I) live long, I'm asking the admin to post their story when they're grown up."

Image via @eldenchan17 (TikTok)

Whether you're Chinese, Malay, Indian, or from any other background, it's things like these that make Malaysia the strongest <3

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