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Malaysian Delivers Epic Clapback To Jocelyn Chia's Controversial Comedy Routine

If there's one thing Jocelyn Chia has ignited, it's a sense of unity and pride among Malaysians for our culture.

Cover image via @bryanyap911 (TikTok)

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Many have come forward to address the standup comedian, Jocelyn Chia, who recently landed in hot soup over her controversial jokes about the MH370 tragedy

Image via @comedycellarusa (TikTok)

Among those include local standup comedian Harith Iskandar and the wife of a MH370 victim, Singaporean standup comedian Kumar, and even the Singapore High Commissioner, who apologised on behalf of the country for the 41-year-old's "hurtful remarks".

Chia's routine, which was recently performed at a comedy club in New York, left many Malaysians and Singaporeans livid, calling it distasteful and insensitive.  

Now, another Malaysian has delivered one of the best responses to Chia's entire controversy, which has put Malaysia on the map

Image via @bryanyap911 (TikTok)

Taking to TikTok and Instagram, Bryan Yap put together a video that has garnered over 2.1 million plays and 200,000 likes since he posted it four days ago.

In the beginning of his video, Yap shares a snippet of Chia's comedy routine, where she talks about how Singapore became a first world country, while roasting Malaysia for still being a developing country. 

The video then pans to Yap, who with a large smile, exclaims "Welcome To Malaysia", and it continues to a beautiful montage of the country's landscape, islands, and culture.

Image via @bryanyap911 (TikTok)

He included multiple snippets of a recent event that took place, when Sabahans and Sarawakians proudly paraded and danced through KL, which touched thousands of Malaysian hearts

Image via @bryanyap911 (TikTok)

His montage went on to showcase the landmarks we know and love in Malaysia that encapsulates the multiracial community we live in, the many cultures we get to experience, and the variety of stunning wildlife and marine life Malaysia is filled with.

Towards the end of the video, Yap transformed from a regular outfit into traditional wear, and proudly closed off with, "This is Malaysia".

Image via @bryanyap911 (TikTok)

His video has left many with goosebumps, in tears, and a sense of pride for their nation

Image via TikTok

Image via TikTok

Image via TikTok

Image via TikTok

Indeed, we are truly proud to be Malaysian. :')

You can watch Yap's full video below:

In a series of viral tweets, another Malaysian showed Chia what a proper 'roast' should be like:

Learn more about Chia's controversy here:

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