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Minister Comes Back From Kampung After Raya To Find A Mess Caused By His 10 Naughty Cats

A cat-astrophe.

Cover image via Rafizi Ramli (Facebook)

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As Malaysians across the country celebrated the joyous occasion of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Economy Minister Rafizi Ramli returned home to a bit of fur-ocious mess

Upon his return, the minister was greeted not by the serene tranquility of an empty home, but by the lively antics of his mischievous meow-tain of cats.

In a lighthearted Facebook post, the minister shared photos of a mess in his kitchen area, caused by his 10 cats.

With fake grass strewn all over the counter top and the floor, the minister joked that the cats had thrown tantrums due to their dissatisfaction at not being brought along to balik kampung for the Hari Raya celebrations.

Image via Rafizi Ramli (Facebook)

Clearly feeling left out of the Eid festivities, it seems that the suspects took matters into their own paws and decided to make their presence known in the most memorable (and destructive) way possible. 

After being spotted, the rambunctious suspects attempted a daring escape to the top floor of the house

The cats manoeuvred through exercise equipment found in the house, in hopes of throwing their owner off their scent

Image via Rafizi Ramli (Facebook)


But despite all their efforts, the minister managed to apprehend the suspects one by one, with the last culprit found hiding among the leaves of a potted plant

Several netizens were amused by the ordeal, paying closer attention to the apprehended oyen

"Causing trouble... the leader must be the oyen," one netizen joked.

Image via Facebook

Meanwhile, others couldn't resist the oyen's unsuccessful escape attempt.

"This last suspect was caught hiding in the tree pot? It must've thought no one would be able to spot it," one netizen said.

Image via Facebook

Image via Facebook

Meanwhile, these cats got ready for the Raya celebrations:

Cats are weirdos but we love them anyways:

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