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Video Of Thai Students Punching Clay Sculptures Of "Ex-Girlfriends & Bosses" Goes Viral

Would definitely visit this place if the service actually existed.

Cover image via @mex_story (TikTok)

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A recent video has the Internet buzzing, promising a unique stress-relief service: punching a clay sculpture of your nemesis

Image via @mex_story (TikTok)

A video shared by @eagleeyeguy on Instagram shows people angrily pummelling clay figures, as a seemingly cathartic and oddly satisfying way to release emotions.

Garnering millions of views, the video claims that Thai artists create custom clay figures resembling ex-bosses or past lovers. Customers can then physically vent their frustrations by punching or slapping these clay figures.

However, the truth behind the video is far more lighthearted

Image via @mex_story (TikTok)

It turns out that the "service" was actually a fun class project by art students at Khon Kaen University. The original videos were shared by TikTok user @mex_story.

In response to a comment, the original poster explained that the students were simply enjoying a creative and slightly destructive way to dispose of their clay sculpture assignments.

"These were sculpted as a class assignment. After the professor's inspection, we're supposed to recycle them for the next assignment. But simply tearing them down was boring, so we decided to punch the sculptures instead," he wrote.

Image via @mex_story (TikTok)

Image via @mex_story (TikTok)

While the viral video may have been a bit of a misunderstanding, it certainly sparked a lot of laughs and imaginative thinking

Image via Instagram

Image via Instagram

Image via Instagram

And honestly, who wouldn't love a service like this?

Watch the videos below:

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