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Former Employee Returns Stolen Money & Writes Apology To Convenience Store Owner

"Thank you, and may you receive immense blessings," said the owner in response to receiving the letter.

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While the truth may be daunting and hard to face sometimes, there's no denying that honesty is always the best policy

A recent Facebook post by a convenience store owner in Perak has garnered widespread attention after a former employee took an honest step when revealing an incident to their former employer.

Founder of My Station Convenience Shop, Shahhul Hamed Sanudin, shared how an unnamed former employee returned an undisclosed amount of money they had taken from the cash register of the convenience store when they had previously worked there.

Apologising and confessing to their misdeed, the former employee wrote a letter to explain their actions.

"Good day, boss Hamed. I previously worked here and had taken money from the cash register. Now, I am returning it. I ask for forgiveness for my past actions," read the note.

The note as posted to Shahhul Hamed's Facebook page.

Image via Shahhul Hamed Sanudin (Facebook)

In the caption of his post, Shahhul Hamed thanked the former employee and wished them well, while also stating that he hopes they will not do the same thing in the future.

Receiving praise for his honest deed, many Malaysians shared their thoughts on why the employee may have stolen the money when they used to work there

A number of commenters stated that the former employee may have been in a desperate situation, and needed the money to get through a tough time in their life.

"It must have been a desperate situation... as long as he didn't return the money, his heart wasn't at ease. Thank goodness this child is good, may all their problems be eased," wrote one Facebook user.

Image via Facebook

Image via Facebook

Image via Facebook

Nevertheless, the vast majority of responders to the post praised the unnamed former employee for being a truthful individual. 

"The wrong will always be wrong, but the great will always be great," wrote one user, while another stated, "Thank goodness they realised their mistake. They may have needed it back then, but now they're returning it once more."

Image via Facebook

Image via Facebook

Image via Facebook

Image via Facebook

Speaking on the virality of his initial post, Shahhul Hamed stated in a subsequent Facebook post that instances such as this are good to instil positivity in people

"To my staff members, I apologise and will not hold it against you if there is too little or too much. I am amazed by what you guys do, and not everyone can do it.

"May you and your family be eased of any issues and always be in good health. Good job, young people!" he wrote in the post.

You can view the original Facebook post below:

This AEON employee was praised for returning a handbag containing over RM18,000 in cash to its rightful owner:

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