"Standard Rate For Ang Pow" – Woman Offended When Given RM30 Ang Pow By Boyfriend's Mum
The girlfriend claimed that SGD10 (RM30) was the lowest amount she's ever received in a red packet.
A frustrated boyfriend took to social media to discuss his girlfriend's attitude after she complained about receiving a SGD10 (RM30) ang pow from his mother
In a now deleted confession post on the Singaporean subreddit group, r/askSingapore, the boyfriend explained that he and his girlfriend travelled back to his hometown in Johor Bahru to celebrate the Lunar New Year with his side of the family.
During the celebration, the boyfriend revealed that his mother had handed out ang pows containing SGD10 to the entire family, including him, his girlfriend, his siblings, as well as their spouses and children.
Evidently, the amount wasn't enough for the girlfriend as she began to complain to her boyfriend that it was the smallest amount she had ever received in a red packet and compared the amount to what her Singaporean relatives would have given her.
She was also dissatisfied with the fact that her boyfriend's mother used old bank notes instead of new ones in the ang pow.
Following her complaints, the boyfriend lamented that he believed the act of giving ang pows was more of a formality and that the amount contained in them shouldn't matter
He went on to reveal that his parents were already retired and they probably could not afford to give large amounts of money to numerous family members.
"I was trying to defend my parents by saying that [the ang pow money] probably has something to do with their jobs and income. My parents are retired, so that's why they think [SGD10] is 'good enough'," he said.
However, the girlfriend wasn't pleased with his explanation and accused him of taking his parents' side and brushing aside her feelings.
She then asked him how much money would he give to his parents, to which he replied "Maybe RM100".
"Why not SGD10? Or RM50? Because you think it's not appropriate right?" the girlfriend fired back.
Many netizens were appalled at the girlfriend's attitude and called her "insufferable", "materialistic", and "a walking red flag"
Netizens said that the girlfriend should be grateful for whatever amount of ang pow money she received.
Image via Reddit
Others said that there was no such thing as a "standard rate" for CNY ang pows and that it was the thought that counts.
Many also defended the boyfriend's parents, saying that individuals should give whatever amount they are comfortable with.
Image via Reddit
Meanwhile, this writer is happy to receive free money, no matter the amount!
Image via Tenor
Last month, a man complained about receiving "only" a RM20 ang pow from a wedding guest:
A Facebook user was also at the receiving end of the Internet's ire when they said that guests should give a minimum of RM300 when they attend a wedding:
These Perak waste collectors were so grateful when they received RM2,500 in ang pow money and a whole mountain of packet drinks while working during CNY:
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