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Japan Breaks Record For Fastest Internet Speed That Can Download 12,500 Movies In 1 Second

For perspective, you could download the entire Netflix library of movies three times over in less than a second.

Cover image via NICT Pixabay/Pexels

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A group of Japanese researchers broke the record for the fastest Internet speed in the world

Helmed by the bright minds under the Photonic Network Laboratoy at Japan's National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), the team managed to achieve this breakthrough by using a commecially available optical fibre to hit 402 terabits per second (Tbps).

This blazing fast speed topped the previous record of 301Tbps held UK's Aston University.

This breakthrough was achieved by constructing a specialised system of optical fibres

Image via NICT

The system utilises all transmission bands of standard optical fibres as well as uses different amplification technologies.

NICT mentioned that this new method of accessing previously unused wavelength bands could be utilised in future telecommunications networks, thus providing consumers with accesible fast connections.

"The newly developed technology is expected to make a significant contribution to expand the communication capacity of the optical communication infrastructure as future data services rapidly increase demand," wrote NICT in a statement.

To put this achievement into perspective, here are some comparisons:

The speeds the NICT managed to hit is roughly 3.5 million times faster than the Malaysian median speed of 112Mbps, as reported by performance analytics platform Ookla.

If you were to utilise these levels of Internet speeds, you could download approximately 12,500 films in a single second, which is over three times the number of films currently available on Netflix.

For gamers, you could theoretically download Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, which stands at a massive 172GB in 0.003423 seconds. Another way you can look at it is you could complete 292 downloads of the game in just one second.


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