
Sniffer Dog Walking On Airport Baggage Carousel Is The Goodest Boi Of Them All

Getting his steps in.

Cover image via @ahfoo2 (TikTok)

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A really hardworking boy was recently captured on camera diligently doing his job at an airport in China

Going viral on the Internet, a Labrador in uniform is seen walking on a baggage carousel.

His job? Sniffing every bag for prohibited substances.

Despite his wagging tail, he takes his job very seriously, occasionally glancing at travellers before quickly returning to his work

Focus, focus, focus.

Standing close to him is what appears to be his human partner, who can be seen helping the canine move bags aside after they have gone through the important sniffing inspection.

Judging from his wagging tail and smile, several commented that the dog probably really loves his job

Image via TikTok
Image via TikTok
Image via TikTok

Meanwhile, others said that he gets a workout while doing his job because the carousel is like a treadmill.

Image via TikTok
Image via TikTok

Just a hardworking doggo doing his bestest. :B

You can watch the cute video here:

Check out these other doggos working hard:

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