
[VIDEO] Oyen In Indonesia Stands Upside Down To Eat Food Scraps From A Drain

Just an oyen being an oyen.

Cover image via @h.latolato (TikTok)

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Oyens are known to be weird.

But this one ginger stray has taken the weirdness to new heights — or should we say depths?

A video showing a ginger tabby performing a feat worthy of a feline Cirque du Soleil has gone viral on TikTok.

With its hind legs firmly placed on the ground, the oyen flips itself, stretching its little body to get its paws on some food scraps at the bottom of the drain.

The eight-second clip, shared by Indonesian user @h.latolato, has accumulated more than seven million views and over a million likes on TikTok.

Why does the cat remind me of Tom Cruise in that dangling scene from Mission Impossible?

Mission accomplished, Agent Oyen. You're a lil weirdo, but a cute one.

Like every weird cat video circulating on TikTok, netizens just couldn't help but flood the comments section with jokes and quips

"Eating while freestyling," a netizen commented.

Image via TikTok

"This is really peak Oyen behaviour!" one netizen said, amazed by the oyen's acrobatic skills.

Image via TikTok

One user did a funny little word play on "kung fu" and "kucing", which is cat in Malay.

Image via TikTok

"I just washed my legs," another joked, as if they were the oyen.

Image via TikTok

Watch the full video here:

We've written plenty of stories about oyens here:

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