
[VIDEO] S'porean Health Minister Parodies 'You Belong With Me' For Special Health Reminder

Why does the leading man look so different?

Cover image via @ongyekung (Instagram)

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Riding on The Eras Tour wave, Singapore's Health Minister, Ong Ye Kung decided to recreate Taylor Swift's You Belong With Me music video to share some health tips

On Saturday, 2 March, Ong shared a video on his Instagram page with the caption, "Nagging you to be healthy."

The 28-second skit features Ong parodying the iconic bedroom window scene from Taylor Swift's 2009 music video for her song, You Belong With Me.

Instead of Taylor's leading man in the music video, the Singaporean MP takes his place, exchanging written signs with the singer

The video begins with Swift sitting by her window, holding up a sign that reads "You ok?". The next clip cuts to Ong, who's working in his office.

Then, as if he could see her, Ong holds up a sign of his own that reads: "Yes. But busy..."

Later in the exchange, Swift "shared" that she had no plans for the night, just studying, mirroring the original music video.

Ong hilariously wrote back: "Don't bluff, tonight got concert in [Singapore]!", referencing the singer's concert on Saturday evening, 2 March.

By the end of the video, Ong holds up a much-needed PSA on how to maintain good health

He ended his note with: "Yes, I am a nag…", acknowledging that his tips could come off as annoying.

Don't worry! We don't think you're a nag, just a loveable uncle looking out for everyone!

So far, the reel has reached over 1.5 million views, with more than 51,000 likes and 550 comments.

Netizens found the video incredibly endearing and praised its creativity.

Many netizens complimented Ong's social media manager, saying that they deserved a salary raise.

Another netizen pointed out that Ong's social media manager may be a Gen Z.

Meanwhile, one netizen referenced one of the verses in the song, You Belong With Me, "He's Minister for Health and I'm on the bleachers".

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