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Kiddo In China Brings Home A Gunny Sack Of Ang Pows Worth Over RM13,300

The video was filmed in Guangxi, China.

Cover image via @清醒的时候 (Douyin)

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A video of a girl in Guangxi, China, bringing home a gunny sack filled with ang pows on the first day of Chinese New Year has gone viral worldwide

In the 25-second video posted on Douyin, China's TikTok equivalent, the girl wearing a cat-print sweater can be seen sprinting home with a gunny sack on her back.

"Where did you go so early in the morning? I wanted to have breakfast with you, but I couldn't find you," her father gently chides.

The girl replies, "I went to collect ang pows."

"You brought such a big bag. You must have visited [every house] in the city," her father remarks as the girl counts the ang pow money.

Image via @清醒的时候 (Douyin)

The video shows the girl taking out cash notes in denominations of 10 yuan (RM6.60), 50 yuan (RM33.30), and 100 yuan (RM66.70)

According to China Press, the girl is said to have collected over 20,000 yuan (RM13,300) in ang pow money.

Image via @清醒的时候 (Douyin)

At the time of writing, the video has garnered over 150,000 likes and 35,000 comments on Douyin

"How dare you scold her? The girl just made your annual income in a single morning," quipped a netizen.

"This is the first time I've seen someone collecting ang pows with a sack," wrote a Douyin user, while another added, "If I have thick skin like yours, I can skip work for a month."

Image via Douyin

In a follow-up video, the father tells his daughter that the money will be used to cover her education expenses for the next two years

"The money is meant for your education, not for anything else. It should cover two years of education expenses," the father tells his daughter.

In response, the girl lets out an "uhm" and gives her father a side-eye.

Image via @清醒的时候 (Douyin)

Watch the video here:

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