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Mother Sloth Extends A Hand To Thank Man For Helping Lift Her Baby Up To Her In A Tree

Nothing but heartwarming feels.

Cover image via @dinesh_thiru (TikTok)

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The similarity between animals and the human species cannot be understated.

Every once in awhile, there's nothing wrong with lending a helping hand to any creature that needs it.

A recent TikTok has been warming hearts all over the world after one kind man offered some help to a mother sloth and baby sloth who were trying to make their way up a tree.

In the 36-second clip, a man can be seen approaching the tree, before seeing a baby sloth at the base of that same tree. Noticing that it was trying to climb the trunk, the man decided to lift the pup using one hand and place him towards the top of tree

As the camera pans, the mother of the pup can be seen hurrying downwards, presumably to take her baby whom she thought was still at the base of the tree. After being lifted up, the pup slowly crawls back into his mother's arms and gets a hug.

Towards the end of the clip, the mother can be seen extending her hand to the person taking the clip, so as to thank him for helping carry her baby up to her.

Image via @dinesh_thiru (TikTok)

Garnering a massive response online, the clip has received about 70 million views and over four million likes since being posted

From calling the instance a precious moment to thanking the man for saving the mother time from having to climb down to get the pup, many gushed over how sweet sloths really are.

"Sloths are literally the kindest and most have the most beautiful souls in the animal world. They have big hearts, they would never hurt anyone," wrote one user.

Another user, who admitted she has an affinity towards sloths, said that if this same moment happened to her, she'd just cry for three months because she loves sloths.

"'Look mom, I'm flying!'" joked one user in relation to the pup when it was picked up by the man.

Image via @dinesh_thiru (TikTok)

Image via @dinesh_thiru (TikTok)

Image via @dinesh_thiru (TikTok)

Image via @dinesh_thiru (TikTok)

At the time of writing, it has not been confirmed nor stipulated where or when the incident took place.

Watch the heartwarming clip on TikTok below:

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