"Rich & Ridiculous" — Private Kindy Kid Gets Birthday Invite Requiring Present Worth RM400
"That much for a child's birthday present?!"
All parents can relate to knowing what it's like to want the best for their kids.
While working hard to get them the finer things in life is a no-brainer, not every privilege received comes without its own problems.
A recent confession by an unnamed mother to a Taiwanese blogging website, 爆料公社, showed just some of her personal struggles while trying to find a better opportunity for her daughter.
Titling her experience "Kindergarten from hell", the mother opens her post detailing how she and her husband have worked very hard to get their child into a private and prestigious kindergarten. While they were thrilled about her acceptance, it was clear from the start that they weren't like other parents who sent their children to the same kindy.
"Most parents drive big cars to pick their children, but I've been using a motorcycle for more than 10 years. I don't make a habit of letting my daughter wear well-known clothing brands, either," she wrote.
Reaching a boiling point, the mother stated that problems cropped up when teachers at the kindy started treating her daughter differently, picking up on their less than luxurious spending habits through observing her clothes alone.
However, the issue was eventually nipped in the bud — though another concerning matter sprouted up soon enough.
Shortly after, things started to look positive when the confessor stated how her daughter got her first birthday invite from a classmate — until they read it
According to the mother, the invitation card had an itinerary of requests for attending the party. However, two of them were the most incomprehensible to her:
1. Bring a gift that is worth at least TWD3,000 (approximately RM430).
2. Bring a serving of natural snacks without additives, purchase it from a specific store.
Shocked by the memo, the mother was in disbelief over what to do. "A small gift of under RM430?! How much money should I spend so it doesn't look rude? Wouldn't it be ridiculously exaggerated to purchase a child's gift worth RM430?" she penned.
"I understand buying healthy snacks, but when I went to the store listed on the invite, I almost vomited blood looking at the price of the items"
Staying true to her values, the mother explained how she was at odds over letting her daughter go for the party at all.
"Although my husband earns enough for me to spend that much, it goes against what I believe, I really don't want to buy these things. But my daughter really wants to go, as the invites were exclusive... not all her classmates received one."
Seeking advice from her husband, he stated that their daughter should go for the party. "He said that it's okay to attend these things once in awhile. Nonetheless, when I was a child, I was aware that the world didn't revolve around me, and I don't want that value to collapse for her."
Ending her post, the mother added that her daughter will be returning the reply slip soon, and that she'll have to make some decisions after this.
"The clerk at the snack shop called and told me that if I don't make the final order today, I won't be able to receive it in time, saying other mothers have already place their orders. Even that made me hesitate.
"Isn't kindergarten supposed to be about having fun and learning new things? How did it all get so complicated?" she concluded.
Aiming to give their own takes, a few people took to the comments section and gave the mother some counsel
"You can't compare when it comes to kids. If children start developing the wrong outlook on life, it won't be good," opined one person.
Another person mentioned how, while the topic surrounds the discussion of a child's birthday party, the vanity of the adults was the most terrifying part.
Image via 爆料公社
Seeking some clarity, another user asked the mother, "Isn't it you who let her into that circle anyways?"
Offering their take, one more user said that they should all, collectively, lower their standards for the sake of their kids. "I don't want my kid to be at the losing end. These parents themselves, through finances, power, and values, have already let their children down."
Image via 爆料公社
Nonetheless, one of the most fruitful comments came from a user who wrote how tangible items are only things at the end of the day, and that children are more valuable.
"Things can be bought, used, and disposed off with money. But once a child learns the wrong thing and misjudge their values, it'll be very difficult to get them back on track once again."
Image via 爆料公社
Click here to read the original post on 爆料公社.
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