
[VIDEO] Little Girl Dances To Sabrina Carpenter's 'Espresso' & Her Doggo Was Not Impresso

That's that him, not impresso.

Cover image via @gracepolak7 (TikTok)

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It doesn't matter if you're an adorable little girl dancing to Sabrina Carpenter's Espresso, your dog's still going to keep it real with you

In a 15-second video shared by @gracepolak7 on TikTok, a mother recorded a sweet and funny moment between her daughter and her furry friend.

The little girl was putting on a performance for her pet dog, Bluey, swinging her arms and twirling around the living room with uncontainable joy.

But from the slow zoom towards Bluey's skeptical expression, it was evident that the canine just wasn't biting it.

"V[ery] unimpressed," the mother jokingly captioned.

Bluey might need a shot of espresso after watching that performance

Lounging comfortably on the sofa, the dog's eyes continuously dart off to the side with a classic "What is she doing?" expression plastered on his face.

There's a moment where you can see that the dance might have gone on a bit too long for Bluey.

"Oh, she's still going. She's not done yet."

"My silly dance moves make him side-eye so often"

Image via @gracepolak7 (TikTok)

Bluey's apparent disdain for the impromptu dance party had netizens wondering what was going on in his head

Image via TikTok
Image via TikTok
Image via TikTok

The side-eye might be judgmental, but it's full of love

Watch the wholesome moment below:

Animals are naturally comedic and adorable. Here are some that made us smile:

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