[SHARE] 21 Biggest News To Hit Malaysia In 2013
Yet another challenging year for Malaysia, filled with a chronology of lessons we can all learn from. Was it a good year or a bad one? You be the judge.
1) 24 Feb, #PrayForSabah: Peaceful Lahad Datu turned into a war zone when 235 Sulu armed militants intruded Lahad Datu and claimed it was theirs
Peaceful Lahad Datu turned into a war zone when 235 Sulu armed militants intruded Lahad Datu and claimed it was theirs
Image via abnxcess.com2) 19 March, #TaibMahmud: Malaysians learnt the truth about Sarawak Chief Minister's corruption when the documentary 'Inside Malaysia's Shadow State' went viral
Malaysians learnt the truth about Sarawak Chief Minister's corruption when the documentary 'Inside Malaysia's Shadow State' went viral
Image via bmf.ch3) April, #Bubarlah: Prime Minister Najib finally dissolved the Parliament for the 13th General Election to take place
Prime Minister Najib finally dissolved the Parliament for the 13th General Election to take place
Image via themalaysianreserve.com4) April, #Shootings: Almost every other week for the months to come, Malaysians read about people being shot dead, including several high profile figures
Almost every other week for the months to come, Malaysians read about people being shot dead, including several high profile figures
Image via straitstimes.com5) April, #LeeChongWei: Malaysia's 1st badminton player welcomed baby Kingston Lee, and lost to Lin Dan at the BWF Finals
Malaysia's 1st badminton player welcomed baby Kingston Lee, and lost to Lin Dan at the BWF Finals
Image via thesundaily.my8) May, #Black505: Pakatan Rakyat organised "the biggest rally in recent times" with over 120,000 people calling for re-election
Pakatan Rakyat organised "the biggest rally in recent times" with over 120,000 people calling for re-election
Image via wordpress.com10) June, #SyukurMalaysiaMasihAman: Malaysia enters international limelight for its worryingly high crime rate and soaring serious crime
Malaysia enters international limelight for its worryingly high crime rate and soaring serious crime
Image via s-msn.com12) 1 Aug, #RIPChuaBoonHuat: The nation mourned the death of the celebrated hockey player who died in a tragic accident
The nation mourned the death of the celebrated hockey player who died in a tragic accident
Image via imgur.com13) 21 Aug, #GentingBusCrash: 37 people died when a Genting bus fell off a cliff on the Karak Highway
14) 2 Sept, #PriceHike: Petrol faced the first of many price hikes. Prices of sugar, cigarettes, electricity, LRT, property and toll followed suit.
Petrol price was the first of many price hikes. Prices of sugar, cigarettes, electricity, LRT, property and toll followed suit.
Image via themalaysianinsider.com15) 1 Oct, #AGReport: Malaysians demanded for answers when the Auditor General 2012 Report exposed hundreds of millions of missing funds
Malaysians demanded for answers when the Auditor General 2012 Report exposed hundreds of millions of missing funds
Image via wordpress.com16) 14 Oct, #Allah: The Catholic Church was banned from using the word 'Allah' in their publications
17) 23 Oct, #SecurityGuard: Malaysians lost their trust in security guards when an armed security guard shot dead a bank officer during a heist
Malaysians lost their trust in security guards when an armed security guard shot dead a bank officer during a heist
Image via nst.com.my18) 25 Oct, #Budget2014: Najib made a few shocking announcements during the tabling of the national budget including GST and subsidy cuts to solve the national budget deficit
Najib tabled one of the most important national budget that is expected to solve the national budget deficit issue
Image via wordpress.com20) 22 Nov, #Moral: SPM candidates were surprised when the Pendidikan Moral exam format was changed without prior notice
SPM candidates were surprised when the Pendidikan Moral exam format was changed without prior notice
Image via wordpress.com21) 3 Dec, #Floods: Johor, Pahang, Terengganu and Kuantan were hit by seasonal floods that have killed 3
Johor, Pahang, Terengganu and Kuantan were hit by seasonal floods that have killed 3
Image via voanews.com